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Physical Therapy

Larson Rec Center - Physical Therapy

Physical therapists are a vital component to keeping your body injury and pain free. A good physical therapist (PT) guides proper body mechanics to help you gain strength, overcome injury, recover (rehabilitate) from a surgical procedure, and, overall, help you reach your physical goals. Did you know these same clinicians are also experts at modifying your workstation with the goal of relieving pain and discomfort and reducing the risk of injury?


The physical therapy team at the Larson Recreation + Wellness Center is here to help employees return to full health after injury or surgical procedure. By including physical therapy in our Wellness Suite of services offered, we are bringing better access to Larson employees and helping to keep our coworkers in better overall health.


Our physical therapy team will access injuries and schedule follow up visits with employees after a doctor’s visit.


If you have questions about workstation assessment or would like to know more about preventing injuries in the workplace, you can always stop in and talk to a member of the physical therapy team.

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